Chemical Peel
Chemical Peel Procedure
This is a kind of lunch time procedure. A selective chemical solution depending on the indication of procedure is applied to remove the top most layer of skin.
Benefits of this Procedure
This procedure provides a versatile solution for a range of common skin concerns. It effectively addresses issues such as uneven skin tone, melasma, Acne and pigmentation problems, helping to restore a more balanced and radiant complexion. Additionally, it can significantly improve the appearance of acne scars, smoothing out the skin’s texture and minimizing their visibility. Fine lines, another common skin aging concern, can also be noticeably reduced through this procedure. Overall, it offers a comprehensive approach to enhancing the skin’s tone and texture, promoting a more youthful and vibrant appearance.
Light Chemical Peel
Penetrates the Outermost layer of skin.
Medium Chemical Peel
Reaches middle and outer layer of skin.
Deep Chemical Peel
Fully penetrates middle layer of skin.
Pre Procedure Care
To prepare for the procedure, stop using serums and anti-acne creams. Avoid sun exposure for a few days prior. Cleanse the skin with normal saline, gather medical history, and take a pre-procedure photo. These steps are essential for a successful and safe cosmetic procedure.
Post Procedure Care
After the procedure, remember to apply sunscreen, avoid heat exposure, follow moisturizer instructions, and refrain from using makeup for at least five days to support proper healing and skin protection.
Frequently Asked Questions
There is a little or no downtime.For a superficial peel there is short downtime and for a deep peel skin heals in almost 2 weeks time.
It may take 5 to 7 days to show you results , complete healing occurs in 2 weeks time.